CDD hangs


Try sdpsettings(‘cdd.method’,’dual-simplex’)

CSDP does not work


Do you have CSDP in your operating system path? CSDP executable in MATLAB path is not sufficient.

CSDP runs but crashes


Running MATLAB 6.1 and CSDP 4.6? In that case, edit readsol.m in the CSDP directory and replace all occurrences of && with &. Even better, downlo...

Compiling YALMIP with a solver does not work


When compiling, you need to add some files to your include list. As an example, for sedumi, you have to add the files sedumi.m, ada_pcg.m and install_sedumi....

Declaring an sdpvar object named i or j inside a function fails


This is one of the weirdest bugs in MATLAB I have come across. If you define your own class (such as sdpvar) and use the constructor inside of a function bod...

I have an idea for a new feature. What to do?


Send a mail to However, I only add new features when I need them my self, but if your idea is good enough, I might realize that I need ...

I have found a bug. What to do?


Start a new thread on the Google groups YALMIP forum, or send a mail to Type ver in MATLAB and include the result in the mail. If possible...

I have problems solving a geometric program


To begin with, you need a solver that can solve geometric programs (YALMIP currently supports the native but old GP-solver GPPOSY, MOSEK which is called via ...

I need an inverse in my model


The inverse operator is not supported in the YALMIP language as it is an extremely complex operation which does not have a nice representation. Unless you ca...

It is so slow!


As a rule of thumb, the time reported as ‘yalmiptime’ in the output diagnostic should be around fractions of a second for small problems, and typically a fra...

PENBMI does not work with YALMIP anymore


Version 1.1 and earlier will not work directly anymore. However, this is easily fixed. Edit the file callpenbmim.m (if you use the PENOPT version) or callpen...



QUADPROG does not work if you have GUROBI installed (name conflict)

Using implies on constraint sometimes fails


Using the logical constraint implies with the first argument being a constraint can easily lead to numerically sensitive models, and should thus be avoided. ...

Warning about lousy big-M models


You are setting up a model which YALMIP will model using a big-M model (logical models involving implications, or nonconvex use of MILP-representable operato...

Why are some fmincon options missing?


YALMIP creates the options structure for FMINCON through the call fmincon(‘default’) which creates a different set of options compared to the alternative me...

YALMIP does not work


Restart MATLAB. Are you running the absolutely latest version of YALMIP. If not, install it. Remove any old version of YALMIP before you install the n...

fmincon crashes


Do you have MOSEK installed? This can cause problems due to an inconsistency between MATLABs and Moseks implementation of the file optimset.m. Remove MOSEK f...