uncertain is used to declare a set of variables as uncertain, or to simultaneously add a set of constraints to the uncertainty set, and declare all involved variables as uncertain. It can also be used for attaching random distributions and samplers to a variable
F = uncertain(w) % w variable
F = uncertain(W) % w constraint
F = uncertain(w,distribution)
A simple robust optimization problem can be implemented as
sdpvar x w
F = [x+w <= 1];
W = [-0.5 <= w <= 0.5, uncertain(w)];
objective = -x;
optimize([F, W],objective)
F = [x+w <= 1];
W = [uncertain(-0.5 <= w <= 0.5)];
objective = -x;
optimize([F, W],objective)
To specify random uncertainties for use in optimizers and sample, you specify the distribution, and all distribution parameters following the syntax in the RANDOM command in the Statistics Toolbox
sdpvar x w
F = [x + w <= 1, uncertain(w, 'uniform',0,1)];
P = optimizer([F,W,uncertain(w)],-x,[],w,x)
S = sample(P,10); % Sample ten instances and concatenate models
S([]) % Solve and return optimal x
Alternatively, you can specify a function handle which generates samples. YALMIP will always send a trailing argument with dimensions
F = [x + w <= 1, uncertain(w,@mysampler,myarguments1,...)];
The standard random case above would thus be recovered with
F = [x + w <= 1, uncertain(w,@random,0,1)];